Desenvolvedor Full Stack
Full Stack Developer
Bootstrap, Clean Architecture, CSS, Docker, Flutter, Git, Hardware, HTML, JavaScript, Jest, Laravel, Linux, MVC Architecture, MySQL, NoSQL, Node.js, PHP, PostgreSQL, React.js, React Native, SOLID, TDD, Tailwind CSS, TypeScript, Unreal Engine, Vite, Vue.js
Desenvolvedor Pleno
Responsável pelo desenvolvimento de sites/sistemas educacionais para municípios do Rio de Janeiro
Desenvolvimento do site/sistema TLG | Transporte e Logística Gazin
Desenvolvimento do site/sistema Vivaintra | Rede Social Corporativa
Mid-Level Developer
Responsible for the development of educational websites/systems for municipalities in Rio de Janeiro
Development of the TLG | Transportation and Logistics Gazin website/system
Development of the Vivaintra | Corporate Social Network website/system
Desenvolvedor Full Stack experiente em desenvolvimento web, especializado em Banco de Dados, proficiente em tecnologias como JavaScript/TypeScript (React e Node.js) Flutter, PHP Laravel e Vue.js.
Full Stack Developer experient in web development, specializing in Database, proficient in technologies such as JavaScript/TypeScript (React and Node.js) Flutter, PHP Laravel and Vue.js.
Inglês - Avançado
English - Advanced
Português - Nativo
Portuguese - Native